Am Kolel Courses
Join Reb David for a monthly Sunday Series on Prophetic Voices. You are welcome to come to as many as you’d like. There is a discount for registering for all four sessions. Each session will be in person at Am Kolel’s Rockville Center & on Zoom at 10:30AM.
March 30 - Hebrew Prophets 2: Hosea, Micah, and Ezekiel
April 27 - Modern Prophetic Voices: Martin Buber and Hannah Arendt
Martin Buber is an Austrian Jewish philosopher, author of On Zion and A Land of Two Peoples. Hannah Arendt is a twentieth century German Jewish philosopher who wrote on wealth, power, democracy and totalitarianism.
June 1 - Erev Shavuot, Prophetic Voices Today
Standing at Sinai with Arthur Waskow, Ernestine Rose, Judith Plaskow, and Peter Beinhart
Click the “book” button below based on whether you are a member of Am Kolel or not. Then select each session you’d like to join by clicking on the “10:30AM” under your desired dates. Click select and add another time until you have added the number of sessions you’d like. If you have trouble registering contact Melissa at 301-770-4648 or email