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Donate to Am Kolel

Thank you for your generous support of Am Kolel. To make a one-time or monthly donation online OR to mail in your donation, click on the corresponding button below. Online donations may be made via credit card, Paypal or ApplePay (mobile only). Mail-in donations may be made by check or Visa, MasterCard or Discover. If you have questions, please refer to the donation guidelines below or contact the office.

One-Time Donation

Donation Guidelines & Information

Special Naming Donations 

Gold Leaf, Tree of Life — $1,000

Silver Leaf, Tree of Life — $500

Am Kolel, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, tax-exempt organization.

General Donations to Am Kolel
These donations are attributed to the General Operating Fund which covers the basic operating costs for Am Kolel including staff salaries, utilities, insurance, postage, office supplies, publishing costs, and the like. In addition, this fund enables us to provide the various Am Kolel programs like Holiday Celebrations; Adult Education, Youth Programs; Jewish Renewal Weekends; Shabbat Services; as well as miscellaneous other events and programs.

Donor-Designated Fund Donations
The following are our “Restricted” Funds. These funds are dedicated for a specific purpose. If there is a fund that resonates with you, please consider designating a gift to that fund. All gifts can be made to honor or in memory of someone.

* Israel/Middle East Peace Fund
Used to support efforts to promote Peace in Israel and with its neighbors.

* Library Fund
Supports the growth and maintenance of the Rae Alice & Bernard Cohen Am Kolel-Kehila Chadasha Library at Am Kolel's Rockville Center.

* Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Provides for outgoing donations, at the Rabbi’s discretion, to individuals & families with special situations, as well as to non-profit organizations sharing our mission.

* Sue Roemer Endowment Fund
Provides support for the Jewish Folk Arts Festival and development of an archive of Cantor Sue Roemer’s original works.

* Torah Fund
Provides for the maintenance of our Torah Scrolls and future purchase of adornments.

* Tzedakah/Social Justice Fund
Supports efforts and programs that work promoting social justice issues such as human rights, immigration rights and health care.

* Ellen Schall Memorial Fund
Helps subsidize classes, special programs and retreats; subsidize transportation to and from Am Kolel services and programs; and provide financial support in making our retreat center more accessible.

* Ralph Tryon Classical Music Fund
In memory of Ralph Tryon we have established the Ralph Tryon Classical Music Fund. The purpose of the fund is to provide a musical program to nursing home or assisted living residence featuring classical music. Ralph, a pianist, loved classical music. The initial donation was made by his family. Donations are welcome to sustain this fund.

* The Yitzhak Buxbaum Publication Fund
To support the preparation and publication of Yitzhak’s unpublished works and memorial activities.

* Mary Jean Eig Wellness
To create yoga or wellness workshops or for program cost assistance.

* HaOrot Rav Kook Fund
This new fund supports the dissemination of the teachings of Rav Avraham Kook z’l, directed by R. Itzchak Marmorstein in Jerusalem.

* DC Musical Shabbat

* Cemetary Fund