
Dear Wedding Couple,

Congratulations! We hope that the coming months will be a time of meaningful and joyful planning. During this time before your wedding, you should schedule at least 3 meetings where you, as a couple, meet with Rabbi David to prepare for your celebration. To schedule a meeting, please contact our Office Manager at 301-770-4648. A wonderful reading resource is “The New Jewish Wedding” by Anita Diamant, which is available through the Am Kolel bookstore or online.

Descriptions and Fees:

  • Wedding Fee (local): includes three preparatory sessions with Rabbi and the Ceremony
    Am Kolel Members & Kehila Chadasha Members $950
    Non-Members $1250

  • Additional Sessions: Am Kolel
    Am Kolel Members & Kehila Chadasha Members $100
    Non-Members $125

Process and Payment:

  1. Please contact Rabbi David at (301) 770-4648 to discuss your event.

  2. Complete the online form below as soon as possible. Final scheduling cannot occur until the office has received it.

  3. A deposit equal to half of the Wedding Fee is due within 30 days. This secures the date on Rabbi’s calendar.

  4. Schedule three meetings with the Rabbi during the year prior to the wedding date. The first three meetings are included in the Officiant’s service fee. Additional meetings may be scheduled for an additional fee as detailed above. Payment for additional meetings is due at the time of the meeting.

  5. Balance of the Wedding fee is due 30 days prior to Wedding date.

  6. To pay by mail, please send check payable to Am Kolel to 1729 Wilmart Street, Rockville, MD 20852.

  7. Make online payments using the dropdown menu below.

Purchase Online:
(If you’re purchasing multiple items, please add them one at a time. Then, click the cart in the upper right corner of this page to complete your purchase.)

Wedding Information Form