From BaMidbar...


From BaMidbar “ 1. And the Ineffable spoke to Moses in the wilderness of Sinai in the Tent of Meeting on the first day of the second month in the second year from their departure from the land of Egypt, saying: 2. Raise up the heads of all the congregation of the children of Israel.” (BaMidbar 1:1-2)

Many translators translate the second verse as “count or take a census of the heads…”. But the Hebrew, Se’u, has greater depth. The Ishbitzer Rav and other commentators teach us that each person is unique and that each person will be lifted up or spiritually elevated in their relationship to self, others, God and life.

The simple phrase also implies that each individual has a unique place in this universe and a unique calling. Each of us is unique and each of us has the innate ability to contribute to life and draw closer to the Source of Being.

The first chapter then goes on to name the leaders of the twelve tribes. It’s interesting how each of their names reflects a special quality or attribute of meaning. Each of these representatives represent affirmative qualities that make up the community as a whole and that are present within each and every one of us. Reuben - Seeing, Shimon - Listening, Gad - Feeling Fortunate, Judah - Gratitude, Issachar - Desire to Know, Zevulun - Being of Honor, Ephraim - Fruitfulness, Menashe - Letting Go of Worries, Benjamin - Doing Justice, Dan - Judgement, Asher - Happiness, Naphtali - Soul Wrestler.

As we move toward Shavuot, the first harvest festival and commemoration of receiving Torah, may we also benefit from the fruits of our labors, our own soul wrestling, and find, once again, a vision of purpose and community as we experience Sinai once again.

Shavuot begins next Thursday night. If you are local, join us at our new Center for the Shabbat of Shavuot.

With blessing of fruitfulness,

Reb David