Tonight is the 33rd day of the Omer.
Tonight is the 33rd day of the Omer. Known throughout time as Lag B’Omer it is a special day during the 7 weeks between Pesach and Shavuot. After an intense four weeks of planting and cultivating the land there is a reprieve. Our sages also credit the day with the lifting of a plague. Some scholars say that was the day the fighting ended between the Roman legions and the Jewish rebels. There is an aspect of mourning that is still observed. In spite of the loss, the day is an affirmation of life.
While Lag B’Omer is not big on the Jewish holiday hit parade it is a terrific holiday when friends, family and community gather for picnics, bonfires and engaging in outdoor activities. For many it is a custom to get haircuts. Also, celebrations such as weddings take place.
Am Kolel was founded the week of Lag B’Omer in 1990. Every year since then we have had an annual gathering or picnic. For the past 16 years we have celebrated at our retreat center, Sanctuary. This Sunday is the closest Sunday to Lag B’Omer and we hope you try to join us. To help us celebrate we have some special activities. Check out the information below. While the day is free we are asking for donations to the Ukrainian Relief Fund that we have established.
This coming Shabbat we read from the Leviticus 25. This past Shabbat afternoon Jonah Feinleib became a Bar Mitzvah. The Torah reading in the afternoon service was a taste of this week’s Parsha, B’Har. Jonah did some serious thinking and some serious research in writing his Dvar Torah. It is impressive. Here’s the link if you’d like to learn more about the Sabbatical Year and its relevance today.
Reb David