Did you hear the news?!


Did you hear the news?! The Israeli government and the PA have agreed to the terms for creating a Palestinian state! Check out the Washington Toast tomorrow morning!

Since last Purim, the last time we were together as a community and the anniversary of social isolation, Purim has taken on new meaning. The tradition of wearing masks is now practiced all over the world! Countries are rising up to expel their tyrannical leaders. We achieved that here in the US! Does that make us "a light unto the nations"?

The Purim tradition of reaching out to your neighbors with gifts of shalach mones is catching on in new ways. Matanot laEvyonim, mentioned in the Megilah, addressing social inequities and providing for those in poverty and in need is being addressed by Congress and many states throughout the country. Texas has not been a model to emulate. But after a year of learning and listening, there is hope. B’Ezrat HaShem.

The Megilat Esther does not mention God. Perhaps, God was too embarrassed by the insensitivity to others, the sexism, the racism and genocide. Did you know the story ends with the Jews wiping out the supporters of Haman? Isn’t that genocide too?

Thank G!d the story is fiction! Sorry. It never happened. Yes, it was a story created to help the Jewish people feel good about themselves under their Greek and then, Roman oppressors. Ironically, the Persians did not persecute the Jews. On the contrary, King Cyrus liberated them (us) from Babylonian exile.

For me, the story is exciting because its main saviors are Esther and Mordecai, representing the divine feminine goddess, Astarte, and the divine masculine god, Marduk. Only together, as one, can they defeat evil. What a great message for our time.

Try to join us to tomorrow night for our on line Purim celebration with various shtiklakh. BYOB.

Also, consider doing shalach mones, bringing something sweet or nice to your neighbors. Check out, below, the special Purim opportunities for doing the Mitzvah of Matanot LaEvyonim that our Tikkun Olam Committee has provided us with this.

As our ancestors experienced light, joy, happiness and love, so may it be for us, “keyn tihyeh lanu.”

Reb David