Things are coming to a head this week in the government
Things are coming to a head this week in the government: the stimulus bill, recalcitrant and vindictive leadership and the further erosion of democracy. In Israel, as well, I just learned of the failure of the Coalition and a call for new elections. The holiday season is also coming to a head with the availability of two vaccines to counter COVID-19, a turning point in this most challenging year.
The Parsha this week, VaYigash, is also the climax of the Joseph saga. It is a critical turning point in the relationship between Joseph and his brothers and the future of the Hebrew (Jewish) people. It provides lessons in how we can move forward in redeeming ourselves and others.
The Parsha begins with the words “VaYigash Eylav Yehudah VaYomer Bi Adoni, And Judah approached him (Joseph) and he said My master is within me...” The word Yigash implies that Yehudah got very close to Joseph, physically, and that he addresses him from the depths of his heart. Rav Yehudah Leib Alter in his work, Sfas Emes, teaches that Judah’s very name and being embodies God, YHVH. His YHVH is addressing the “Godness” of Joseph, who we know “walks with God.” Up till now there has been distance and alienation between Joseph and his brothers. The voice of the heart and the inner divine address Joseph, who listens. Judah’s voice is the voice of yearning to save his youngest brother Benjamin, and honor his father Jacob. His voice is the voice of pain and empathy because Judah, himself, lost two sons. It is at this point that redemption begins.
May our hearts be open this season. NiGash - may we know the YHVH, Yehudah, within us, to approach others and to be open to each other. May the power of YiGash reach our leaders.
May you, our readers, loved ones and friends, have a blessed and safe holiday season.
B’Shalom, in hopefulness,
Reb David