As the Israelites prepare to enter into the Land of Promise...
As the Israelites prepare to enter into the Land of Promise we have just witnessed the long overdue Inflation Reduction Act, a thumbs up for this Land of Promise.
We hope it will impact the wellbeing of millions of people and the Land, Earth and climate. Like in ancient times, the bickering and ups and downs of the wilderness journey led to a reaffirmation of the covenant that we ought to have with each other, this planet and the Source of All Being.
Parshat VaEtchanan starts out with Moshe pleading with G!d. But the word VaEtchanan is a reflective hitpael verb. He “pleaded with himself.” He is indeed wrestling with this next stage life. Realizing this, all that he can do now is review the teachings of Covenant, his legacy, and pray that the people, that each generation, live up to the high ideals of that Covenant.
In the Parsha, Moshe then reviews the drama at Sinai, the giving of the Torah, the Ten Statements, i.e. the Ten Commandments. He provides them with the mantra of Shma Yisrael… and the words traditionally recited twice each day. “And you shall love the Ineffable with all your heart, your soul and with all your strength….and you shall teach these words to your children…”.
As we enter these coming Shabbatot of Comfort, may we find strength, solace and comfort in our teachings. May we also pray for this nation as it wrestles with truth and justice.
Reb David